Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Every Little Bit Helps

I was dreading going to my weigh in this morning. I knew the scale had be much lower the day before but, due to hormones and just feeling weak and depleted on Monday, I ended up eating a bit more than I planned, all good things, but the scale definitely reflected my extra food. And extra salt. Can I say, it would be awfully nice if the gas stations would carry unsalted, plain nuts for snacking. Why must all gas station nuts be candied or super salted? After my aquafit class yesterday, I was so shaky and weak so I grabbed some nuts after I gassed up to get me back home. Not worth the salt!

A friend of mine texted me this morning, a fellow Weight Watcher and someone who gets the battle... every day... every second. We both had crap days on Monday but we both agreed we'd get through it. As she said about this weight loss battle: "We're gonna kick its stupid ass." Agreed. But I still felt sorry for myself.

Here's the record that played in my head during my 30 minute drive to my meeting.

- "I'm tired of losing weight."

- "I hate this fight every single day."

- "This is hard and I hate obsessing about food every second of the day."

- "Why am I like this?"

- "My hormones send me into psycholand every month, as they are today, yet I still feel like I can't do this. Even though I know I'll feel better in a few days."

- "I hate skinny people. Not the skinny people who had to fight to lose weight, just the ones who are born that way and stay that way. I hate them."

- "I want to turn around and go home. I hate the scale today. I hate Weight Watchers today. Get me a Big Mac."

And repeat.

But as I was turning onto the final road to my meeting, I got stuck at a red light. As I sat there waiting for the light to signal it was time to make my left turn, I noticed a street person walking down the boulevard towards me. He was asking people for money as he walked passed cars. He was limping, missing a few teeth and didn't look much older than me.

Ugh.... Okay God. Got it.

I just spent the last 20 minutes complaining in my own head how hard my life was, how much I struggle, how hard my daily battles are and then I see this man, limping towards me, begging for money.

I hurried to get some change from my wallet before the light changed. He stopped at my window, I opened it and handed him the change. "Here's some change," I said. "Sorry, it's all I have." To which he responded, "thank you. Every little bit helps." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I closed my window and turned toward my meeting. As I drove past him, I had to wipe tears from my eyes.

He was right, every little bit does help. Even though I gave him a little change, it was no coincidence that he was there for me today. I needed the reminder that we all have battles. His is tough but mine is too. We can't judge other people on "THEIR HARD" and compare who has it worse. It's okay that I felt bad today. It happens. And while that man was begging for money, he still had a smile on his face. He was facing his battle today too with courage and kindness.

There's nothing wrong with struggling and admitting it's hard sometimes as long as we remember that we aren't alone and most of us are just aimlessly trying to get through the day. We are all more alike than we realize and we have to remember that.

I ended up losing a pound after all. And, although my losses are slower lately, I have to remember that every little bit helps. I will get there.

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